People protect what they love.
Captain Jacques-Yves Cousteau
PADI Project AWARE Specialist

Uniting scuba divers and water enthusiasts to make a difference. By earning this certification, you'll be aware of the most pressing problems facing aquatic environments and how to protect them.
Project AWARE’s philosophy is to mobilize a global force of scuba divers and water enthusiasts who care about protecting the world’s water resources and choose to make a difference – one dive at a time. By earning the Project AWARE Specialist certification, you’ll be aware of the most pressing problems facing vulnerable aquatic environments and know what everyday actions you can take to help protect them.

Anyone who has an interest in the aquatic world should take this course. There are no prerequisites, age restrictions or water sessions required for this non-diving specialty.
Through classroom discussions, you learn:

How Project AWARE unites scuba divers and water enthusiasts to make a difference.
About environmental issues in the ocean commons and coastal zones.
About fisheries challenges and sustainability problems.
What’s happening to coral reefs and reef inhabitants.
Your role in protecting aquatic environments.
Getting Started
You’ll use the digital manual – AWARE - Our World, Our Water – downloadable for free on, and can start reading now in preparation for meeting with your instructor.

Pret:  200  EURO  
* Toate taxele incluse.
** Plata se face in lei la cursul BNR din ziua platii.

PADI Project AWARE Specialist

Security Code
Trimiterea acestui formular nu creeaza nicio obligatie de plata ci reprezinta interesul dumneavoastra pentru cursul de scufundari PADI Project AWARE Specialist. Informatiile transmise prin intermediul acestui formular sunt folosite exclusiv pentru furnizarea informatiilor privitoare la serviciile scuba. Prin trimiterea formularului acceptati Termenii si Conditiile.

Stiai ca...?

Copiii pot obtine la varsta de 10 ani brevetul PADI Junior Open Water Diver, ce le permite sa se scufunde pana la adancimea de 12 metri.


2 + 1 - 6=
CUI: 49762654
Bucuresti, Romania

Cursuri scufundari pentru Copii
Cursuri scufundari pentru incepatori
Cursuri scufundari pentru avansati
Dive PRO
Scufundari la piscina
Scufundari de noapte
Scufundari de adancime
Scufundari la epave
Reparatii regulatoare SCUBA
Service BCD
Reparatii costum scafandru
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Excursii SCUBA
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