Every time you dive, you hope you'll see something new -- some new species. Sometimes the ocean gives you a gift, sometimes it doesn't.
James Cameron on Earth's Deepest Spot
PADI Discover Local Diving

Have an experienced dive professional help you understand a local dive environment so you can better enjoy the dive adventure.
You may remember your PADI Instructor saying, “If you travel to a new location or visit an unfamiliar dive environment, get a local orientation.” Its good advice and easy to do. Just ask the local PADI dive shop for a Discover Local Diving experience. Scuba diving with an experienced local dive professional lets you relax and better enjoy the adventure.

Any certified diver who wants to dive in a new area or environment.

For example, if all your diving has been in warm water on coral reefs and you travel to an area with cooler water and kelp forests, Discover Local Diving is for you.

Or, if the majority of your experience is from dive boats, and you have the chance to do a shore dive with an entry through mild surf, sign up for a Discover Local Diving experience.
Your experienced PADI Pro will brief you on the dive site conditions, hazards and points of interest, plus describe the aquatic life you’ll see and how to interact responsibly with local creatures. If there are special procedures or techniques used locally, your dive professional will show you what to do to make your scuba dive fun and hassle free.

If you feel like you need a refresher before the dive, ask about doing a Scuba Review.
You’ll need basic scuba gear, including a mask, snorkel, fins, regulator, buoyancy control device, dive computer and a scuba tank. The exposure protection you use will depend on the environment you’ll visit. Your PADI Dive Center or Resort staff will explain any other equipment you should have.

Pret:  100  EURO  
* Toate taxele incluse.
** Plata se face in lei la cursul BNR din ziua platii.

PADI Discover Local Diving

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Stiai ca...?

Costumul de neopren are rolul de a ne proteja termic atunci cand apa este rece, dar si mecanic daca atingem din greseala diverse obiecte scufundate.


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CUI: 49762654
Bucuresti, Romania

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