Scuba diving is like driving a car. If you're careful and pay attention it's a very safe activity, but if you're not it can be very dangerous.
RONNIE PREVOST, Divin' in: Scuba diving comes to midwest
PADI ReActivate Scuba Refresher Program

Update your dive skills and knowledge with a quick scuba refresher from the PADI Open Water Diver Course before jumping back into the water.
Haven’t been diving lately and want a quick scuba refresher? The ReActivate™ program is the perfect way to update your dive skills and knowledge from the PADI Open Water Diver Course before jumping back into the water. Whether you want a few reminders or need to go over the basics, ReActivate is personalized for you: You conveniently review scuba concepts on your tablet, mobile device or computer, then go diving with a PADI Professional. It’s quick and easy, and a good way to prepare for your next PADI course or get ready for a dive vacation. The best part is, divers who complete both the knowledge and inwater skill refresher receive a replacement certification card with a ReActivated date on it.

Any PADI certified diver who wants a refresher or pre-travel update should ReActivate. Dive shops appreciate seeing a recent ReActivate date on your certification card because it means you’re ready to dive in.


If you want to learn more about diving in a new area or in different dive conditions, also ask about completing a Discover Local Diving experience at a local dive site.

If you can’t access ReActivate, or can’t access in your language your PADI Instructor can still complete a scuba skills review with you, and you can refresh your diving knowledge with Scuba Tune-Up Online.

*Your PADI certification does not expire. Participation in PADI ReActivate™ is not mandatory, but recommended as an easy way to refresh your foundational scuba safety knowledge and skills if you haven’t been diving in a while. Divers who complete both the knowledge and in-water skill refresher receive a replacement certification card with a “ReActivated thru” date on it.
Using ReActivate eLearning (for tablets or mobile devices) or ReActivate Online (for your personal computer), you’ll immerse yourself in dive scenarios and make decisions that test your understanding of important dive safety concepts, dive planning essentials and problem management. Move through ReActivate at your own pace and delve deeper into topics when you need or want to.

In the water, your PADI Professional will help you regain comfort and confidence in scuba diving. You’ll practice a few safety-related skills and then go over anything you specifically want to review.
You’ll use basic scuba gear including a mask, snorkel, fins, regulator, BCD and a scuba tank. The exposure protection you need will depend on whether you dive in a pool, confined water or open water dive site. Your PADI Dive Center or Resort staff will explain other equipment you may need to ReActivate.
Getting Started
Contact your local PADI Dive Center or Resort to get ReActivate eLearning or ReActivate Online and start working through the scenarios. Or, download the PADI App to your tablet or mobile device (if you haven’t already) and purchase ReActivate to get started immediately. Then, schedule your ReActivate water skills session.

Pret:  100  EURO  
* Toate taxele incluse.
** Plata se face in lei la cursul BNR din ziua platii.

PADI ReActivate Scuba Refresher Program

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Sunetul calatoreste de 4 ori mai repede in mediul acvatic decat in aer insa este imposibil sa localizam sursa acestuia.


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Cursuri scufundari pentru Copii
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Cursuri scufundari pentru avansati
Dive PRO
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Scufundari de noapte
Scufundari de adancime
Scufundari la epave
Reparatii regulatoare SCUBA
Service BCD
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