Man, of all the animals, is probably the only one to regard himself as a great delicacy.
Captain Jacques-Yves Cousteau
PADI Scuba Review

Refresh your scuba diving skills and knowledge. Go over important dive safety concepts, dive planning essentials, and problem management.
Haven’t been scuba diving lately? Feeling a bit rusty? The Scuba Review program is just the refresher you need to brush up on your knowledge and skills. A PADI Professional will get you in the water having fun and feeling comfortable again. It’s quick and easy, and a good way to prepare for your next PADI course or get ready for adventure on a diving vacation.

Any certified diver who needs a refresher, pre-travel update, pre-assessment for a continuing education course or an upgrade from Junior diver can complete a Scuba Review.

Scuba Review is also great for non-certified divers who are referred to complete training or PADI Scuba Divers who are going on to Open Water Diver certification.

If you want to continue refreshing your skills, ask about completing a Discover Local Diving experience at a local dive site.
You’ll go over important dive safety concepts, dive planning essentials and problem management. Your PADI Professional will have you practice putting your gear together and doing a predive safety check with your buddy. In the water, you’ll review all the basic scuba skills with a focus on good buoyancy control.
You’ll use basic scuba gear, including a mask, snorkel, fins, regulator, BCD, dive computer and a scuba tank. The exposure protection you need will depend on the pool or confined water dive site you’ll visit. Your PADI Dive Center or Resort staff will explain other equipment you may need for your refresher.
Getting Started
Register for Scuba Tune-up Online – PADI’s eLearning option – to get started immediately. The web-based system allows you to review key concepts at your own pace through a friendly, interactive program.

You can also choose to work through the Scuba Tune-up Guidebook – a workbook that refreshes and tests your knowledge through short quizzes. Stop by your local PADI Dive Center or Resort to enroll in Scuba Review and get your guidebook.

Pret:  75  EURO  
* Toate taxele incluse.
** Plata se face in lei la cursul BNR din ziua platii.

PADI Scuba Review

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Stiai ca...?

Copiii pot incepe scufundarile la varsta de 8 ani prin programele PADI Bubblemaker si PADI Seal Team.


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CUI: 49762654
Bucuresti, Romania

Cursuri scufundari pentru Copii
Cursuri scufundari pentru incepatori
Cursuri scufundari pentru avansati
Dive PRO
Scufundari la piscina
Scufundari de noapte
Scufundari de adancime
Scufundari la epave
Reparatii regulatoare SCUBA
Service BCD
Reparatii costum scafandru
Verificare butelie scuba
Excursii SCUBA
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