From birth, man carries the weight of gravity on his shoulders. He is bolted to earth. But man has only to sink beneath the surface and he is free.
Captain Jacques-Yves Cousteau
PADI Underwater Naturalist

Get a better understanding about the local ecosystem and the differences between terrestrial and aquatic worlds. See new things, even in the most familiar dive sites.
Take the PADI Underwater Naturalist Specialty course and you’ll see new things, even on the most familiar scuba diving sites. Why? Because when know more about symbioses, underwater ecology, and aquatic plant and animal habitats, you notice behaviors and see creatures you may have previously missed. Learn more about the local ecosystem and take a closer look on your next scuba diving adventure.

PADI (Junior) Open Water Divers who are at least 10 years old are eligible to take the Underwater Naturalist Specialty course.
Through class discussions and on two scuba dives, you’ll learn:

Key differences between the terrestrial and aquatic worlds.
Major aquatic life groupings, interactions and information that dispels myths.
Responsible interactions with aquatic life.
The first dive of this PADI Specialty Diver course may credit as an Adventure Dive toward your Advanced Open Water Diver certification – ask your instructor about earning credit.
Besides your basic scuba equipment, you’ll need a slate and pencil to record your observations. Ask your PADI Instructor or PADI Dive Center or Resort staff about additional equipment you may want, such as a dive light to better see into cracks and crevices.
Getting Started
Pick up your PADI Underwater Naturalist Manual at your local PADI dive shop as you enroll in the course. After reading the manual and filling out the Knowledge Review, you’re ready to meet with your PADI Instructor and plan your underwater naturalist dives.

Pret:  200  EURO  
* Toate taxele incluse.
** Plata se face in lei la cursul BNR din ziua platii.

PADI Underwater Naturalist

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Trimiterea acestui formular nu creeaza nicio obligatie de plata ci reprezinta interesul dumneavoastra pentru cursul de scufundari PADI Underwater Naturalist. Informatiile transmise prin intermediul acestui formular sunt folosite exclusiv pentru furnizarea informatiilor privitoare la serviciile scuba. Prin trimiterea formularului acceptati Termenii si Conditiile.

Stiai ca...?

Este recomandat sa te scufunzi fara barba si/sau mustata. Acestea fac dificila etansarea mastii pe fata si va trebui sa o golesti destul de des.


6 + 9 - 3=
CUI: 49762654
Bucuresti, Romania

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